Whoop Di Don’t

P/P Frostwolf Ghopstpup (Scratch, Haunting Song, Ghostly Bite)
P/B Wyrmy Tunkins (Corrosion, Jar of Smelly Liquid, Buuurp!)
S/B Enchanted Pen (Quills, Evanescence, Foreboding Curse)

For this journey I wanted some pets than can counter the current meta. The pen for Hermit Crabs, Wyrmy Tunkins for the dragons, and the Frostwolf Ghostpup for some heals and undead damage.

Wyrmy Tunkins is currenty a tier 1 pet. Jar of Smelly Liquid is an extremely powerful move: it reduces both the speed and damage done by 50%. Combine this with the humanoid racial and Wyrmy Tunkins can stay alive a long time, while inflicting damage with Corrosion and a well timed Buuurp! If he is faster than the opposing pet then it is very easy to stay alive by keeping the debuff up and take that pet down with the two offensive moves. I often include Wyrmy Tunkins in teams that need some coverage versus flyers, but he has some really bad luck against darkness flyers. He will miss a Corrosion in darkness, and I will run to Twitter to vent about it. A big problem against the TCS is that Wyrmy Tunkins is slower, so has to be smart about when to use the jar so as not to see it dodged.

The Enchanted Pen is for Hermit Crabs. Forboding Curse can slow them down and put a small dint the Shell Armor, but it’s mostly for the slowing. After the crab is slower you can use Evanescence to not get hit for two rounds. The pen is one of my favorite Hermit Crab counters right now, along with the Enchanted Broom. This team actually has a sister team that I made first, Whoop Di Do, that uses the broom instead of the pen.

The Frostwolf is mostly used as a support and utility pet. Having a strong attack against both humans and undead used to be better since there were many more undead around before the nerf. There are still enough so that Scratch will be useful. Ghostly Bite is all that I have going for me against humanoids, so it must be used at the right time. Hopefully I can nail a few imps with 1035 damage. Being undead means taking less backline damage from Meteoric Strike and Haunting Song can heal up against AoE damage.

Although I said I wanted some counters, after writing this up I’m not confident this team can beat good imp teams. We’ll have to see what happens.


May 19, 2019
W: Spectral Raven, Twilight, Sneaky Marmot (1-0)
Twilight can be bothersome, but my two speed debuffs were used efficiently to control the flow of the battle.

W: Cinderweb Recluse, Fel Flame, Droplet Of Y’Shaarj (2-0)
I’m already getting myself into trouble here. The first match-up was Wyrmy Tunkins against the droplet. I convinced myself that it didn’t have Curse of Doom so it was safe to stay in. I was wrong, and boy did that hurt when it went off. To make matters worse, when I brought the pen in the Cinderweb Recluse put Brittle Webbing on it, not good. The damage from the webbing ended up not being as bad as I thought and it ended up being an easy win.

W: Stormborn Whelpling, Nexus Whelpling, Infinite Whelpling (3-0)
WDDAThe problem with the Family Brawler achievement is your team can get countered by one pet. Wyrmy Tunkins took out two and half of the dragons before dying.

W: Droplet Of Y’Shaarj, Amalgam of Destruction, Blazehound (4-0)
When a trap is in the mix anything can happen. I could name a couple times where if the trap had gone off I was in big trouble, but instead I will just say it detonated at a perfect time for me (well, as perfect as you can hope for when an OP move is being used against you. It ended up being a decisive victory again. I think I will lay off this team for a bit so this person’s achievement stands a better chance.

September 13, 2019
W: Gruesome Belcher, Servant Of Demidos, Infected Squirrel (5-0)
The Infected Squirrel strikes fear into my heart, but the Gruesome belcher was green, so yeah.

September 14, 2019
W: Magical Crawdad, Ghastly Kid, Unborn Val’kyr (6-0)
WTDBMy first real test, sort of. The crawdad didn’t have Surge, which makes it a little more tolerable. Due to the lack of Surge I could always go first with my pen, and man did I make that stinky crawdad pay. The final match up was Wyrmy Tunkins versus the dead goat, but the kid had Hoof so it barely did any damage with the attack debuff.

W: Twilight Whelpling, Twilight Whelpling, Twilight Whelpling (7-0)
My team is good against the overbudgeted dragons, yet I still had to be careful. Wyrmy Tunkins was too much for these three stooges.

June 26, 2020
L: Murkalot, Graves, Anomalus (7-1)
There was Hermit Crab running around so I thought the Enchanter Pen might help me out, but I ran into a Murkalot team instead. This was a close battle, but the OP murk prevailed. Looking forward to its nerf.

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